Saturday, May 10, 2008

Engine mount

Time for a little diversion. I am awaiting a counter bore tool and some hardware from ACS to finnish up the mounting of the main gear strut. In the meantime I have been working on an engine mount I acquired. After some unexpected debating between folks on the builders forum, I settled on refurbishing the mount as follows:

First was to bead blast, followed by a primer coat and finally a few coats of white paint. At first I intended to have the mount powder coated. However it was advised from a few sources that powder coating could make detection and repair of any cracks that may form (apparently a common occurrence with these mounts) more difficult. I also removed all the little screws you can see pictured and squirted in some linseed oil to deter corrosion.

Here is the mount as I received it..

After bead blasting by my brothers coleages Jeff and Deano. Thanks guys!

Jeff and Deano discovered two "cracks" I am not sure if they really could be considered cracks or just minor weld defects. They went ahead and performed two pea sized repairs....

Then after squirting some linsead oil into the tubing (through the little screw holes), the mount was primed..

And painted...

1 comment:

steveparkins said...

i use spray wax you can run your mount by a high end body shop and have them run there wax wand through it