Monday, December 21, 2009

Chapter 14 - Center section Spar - Part 2

We had quite the cold snap here in the north west and heating the shop to acceptable temperatures had been futile until late last week. With the help of a couple of heaters I managed to get the shop warmed up enough to do some layups.

Here is the inside of the center section spar with the internal glass plies and bulkheads. In this photo the top of the spar is on the right. The bottom, on the left, has a slight dihedral. The aft face is down and the forward face is up. In the right background is pictured the 3 panels, glassed on the inside surface, that will be the forward face of the spar.

Here is another picture of the 3 forward panels ready to micro in place.

Here pictured is the spar after the forward face has been bonded in place and the spar cap troughs have been carved.

Pictured here are the 6 1/4" attachment point reenforcement pieces. Each of these locations will later be drilled to receive 1/2" bolts attaching the wings to this center spar.

And yesterday I completed laying up the center spar shear web. Next up are the spar caps.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Chapter 14 - Center section Spar (and misc photos)

Materials for my Center Section Spar should arrive via the magic brown van tomorrow.

While waiting for the materials (1/4" divinicell foam, aluminium, fiberglass and epoxy) I dug out the spar jig that I built many months ago. I cut the urethane foam parts (which are pictured test fitted into the jig).

I also cut the 1/8" aluminium attachment renforcement peices (the remaining reinforcement parts will be cut when I recieve the 1/4" stock tomorrow).

Finally I cut the 8 spar cap templates.

MISC. Photos...

Here is a photo of a cover I installed just forward of the instrument panel. the two triangular "flanges", just aft and on the left and right of the panel, will provide a surface for the a gasket on the canopy to seal against.

Also here is a picture of the final nose shape. My brother commented that I never posted a final photo. The top of the nose still remains to be glassed because I want better access to install brake resivoirs and other items before it is glassed in place. I also want to find a clean way of instlling the access hatch.