Friday, February 22, 2008

Chapter 6 - Fuselage exterior - Part 6

Yesterday I glassed half the fuselage exterior. Unfortunately I only had enough glass to do half. I am not quite sure what happed. Did I order to little, or did I just have to much waste. I am glad though that I checked before starting the second side. It would have been a big problem to only get through half of the layups on one side.

I peel plied the area where the second half will lap onto the first so I think all will be well.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chapter 6 - Fuselage exterior - Part 5

Not a very interesting update this time. I was hoping to glass the exterior of the fuselage this last weekend, but I realized that I probably would not have enough micro balloons to slurry the foam.
I have been working on the supply that came with my composite sample kit, but it is just about finnished.

Nevertheless I cleaned up a little and clamped up the fuselage at the 45 degree (actually 135 degree) bank. It's ready, I'm ready. All I need is some warm weather (doubtful), heaters, micro balloons (should arrive Thursday) and an assistant.

I also took the opportunity to spruce up (no pun intended) the blog. I try not to spend to much time with the blog, but it is a learning experience of it's own.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Main gear strut arival

Well after chasing the FedEx driver around Olympia Yesterday I finally have my hands on a brand new main gear strut from Feather Lite. Things are looking up. I trimmed the other landing gear bracket and I am moving on. The forecast is telling me that it will be a little warmer this weekend and if things work out I will glass the fuselage exterior.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Landing gear extrusion fix

After my last post a viewer from the Canard Zone forum noticed that I goofed. The aft landing gear extrusions and 15 ply BID pad would interfere with the engine mount extrusions. I trimmed away about 1/2 of the landing gear bracket and BID pad. My concern now is with the location of the two top bolts: are they now to close to the edge?

Here is a photo of the left bracket before modification followed by the right which I have trimmed.

Monday, February 4, 2008

Rudder conduit modification.

I am considering installing the rudder conduit through the side foam. I purchased a long 3/16" drill and drilled a hole from just aft of the rear landing gear attach bracket through t the side.
I am then (perhaps) going to 1/4" deep channel to just forward of the instrument panel.

I have not decided for sure if I wish to do this, but perhaps I will install the conduit before skinning just so that I will have the option later on.