Monday, August 9, 2010

Chapter 19 - Wings - Part 6

Yesterday I finally got back to some real work on the right wing. I laid up the shear web. I did run into a couple of minor road blocks however.

First of all, I started to late in the day. As usual the layups took longer than I expected. I spent 6 hours cutting glass, mixing epoxy and wetting out the plies. Because of this I had to stop short and didn't lay up the reinforcing lay ups wher the aluminium hardpoints are installed. Instead I peel plied the areas for later.

Also I failed to recognize that I was running low on peel ply. The entire shear web should be peel plied after the glass is laid up. Because I was low on peel ply I only applied the dacron tape to the areas that the spar caps will be bonded in later steps. The forward face of the shear web is bonded to the forward foam blocks with micro and does not require such a super strong bond.

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