I am going to build the "Special performance canard" or better known as the Roncz R1145MS.
Rutan stopped selling plans so I have figured out a way of scaling the scanned images available on the TERF-CD. With that and some other data I have found, I feel confident that I can produce accurate jigs for this part of the project. However, to ensure that the canard is built as accurate and correct as possible and to minimize tooling and time, I have placed an order with Eureca CNC for precut cores. I have heard good things about the quality of Steve's (the owner, creator, etc of Eureka) product.
Unfortunately (for me anyhow) at this time Steve is at Oshkosh and he will not be able to ship my canard cores until next week at the soonest. So, in the meantime, I have begun fabricating some of the hardware. Pictured are the two aluminum lift tabs and the nut plates I made from anchor nuts riveted to an aluminum plate.